Liquid cooler and radiator for refinery

Indeed, considering that the installation is made in a petrochemical industry, all the casing must be resistant to aggressive atmosphere: for this reason, we have decided to realize the box of dashboards in stainless steel and to choose C4 class for the painted casings of both the units.
For the dry cooler RDLD, we have also foreseen spray adiabatic cooling system, in order to manage any possible temperature peak during the summer without compromise the performances of plant.
Instead, about the radiator RPS, considering that the fluid to cool is aggressive for copper, the customer has required to realize the coil with pipes in stainless steel AISI 316L. The fans were installed with blowing configuration in order to avoid that the motors are damaged from the high air outlet temperature.
Country / Town
Poland / Płock
Oil & Gas
Cooling of process fluids
Plant capacity
1.231 kW
Ethylene Glycol and high temperature water
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
For more informations
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8:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 17:00
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