Air coolers for poultry slaughterhouses
Cossé Le Vivien
For this project realized in a poultry slaughterhouse, we have supplied single flow evaporators for some cold rooms, one production room and some evaporating coils for tunnels of gooses fast cooling. All the units use, as refrigerant, CO2.

The single flow evaporator installed in the production room was foreseen with adaptor collars to fix textile ducts and EC fans. These fans are the suitable solution for this type of installation because of their slow launch: they are able to avoid recoils on textile duct and cancel any risk that it rips due to sudden starts.
Country / Town
France / Cossé Le Vivien
Food & Beverage
Poultry slaghterhouse
Plant capacity
357 kW
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
Continuous innovation at the service of the customer: we develop customized and cutting-edge solutions to address the most complex challenges of industrial cooling.
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