Air coolers for chicken slaughterhouses
Chickens slaughtering requires fast and uniform product cooling in order to reduce as much as possible the meat weight loss.

Therefore for the cooling tunnels we have developed tailor made finned exchangers with large area combined with powerful fan motors to ensure high air velocity through the product. For this project we have also supplied several air coolers for storage cold rooms and loading areas.
Country / Town
Italy / Ragusa
Food & Beverage
Chickens slaughterhouse
Plant capacity
1.350 kW
Ethylene Glycol
REFrigeration TEchnological COmponents
Continuous innovation at the service of the customer: we develop customized and cutting-edge solutions to address the most complex challenges of industrial cooling.
For more informations
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Monday to Friday
8:00 to 12:00
13:00 to 17:00
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